Sunday, 21 August 2016

Mozambique wedding


Hope you guys are doing well??

This week was very relaxed left Tofo on Wednesday so Thursday and Friday I did some work in Manjacaze. It's nice being back but I do miss the sound of the ocean especially at night. I think I need to get myself a backtrack of the ocean to listen to at night. Hahaha

So yesterday I went to a Mozambique wedding. We only went to the afternoon festivities.

In short how a Mozambique wedding works is there are two days of wedding fun. Day one  (which I can pick up from white dress, cutting of the cake, speaches vibes it is more western if i can word it like that)there is a ceremony at church the couple goes to take photos, then they go to home affairs. After that they return to their guests for lunch and the giving of gifts.

Day two (more relaxed and local.) there is a ceremony again. Then there is a breakfast and some more gift giving. Can't say much more as I don't know the details.

As I mentioned earlier we only went to the afternoon festivities which was basically food. Now let me add we weren't really officially invited because they invited people by going to their houses and inviting them. Now at the time they were doing that the MOZaic team wasn't at the office. Thus not officially invited. The people who accompanied me phoned the day before to hear if we can come and they said yes.

Where in the world would you call a day before a wedding to come? You missed the RSVP so no you can't. That's the answer you'd probably get back in South Africa. So this was quite interesting for me but shows their hospitality.

So only in true African style we say we leave at 11:00 and only end up leaving at 12:00. Which in the end I was grateful for as we waited until 15:00 to get seated which i might add was a story on its own.
At the entrance to the wedding weaved coconut tree leaves and flowers

So I didn't understand much but what i gathered was they called people by name to get them to the tables after a while the guy doing this came to take to us and said they told him about us and now he knows who we are (well thats what they told me he said). Not to long after that all the seats were filled except 4 and they call us to go sit there. Did I mention that there was still about 70+ people who didn't have a table excluding the children. So the people who only phoned a day before gets the last seats . Maybe it was because we are from MOZaic maybe its because I'm white who maybe its both reasons. Lol ;)
Isn't this so festive? Braai's in the back everyone sitting together quite contently gotta love it.
A local drink they handed out
While we waited. Basically mielie maize and sugar. I dreaded them brining me some as i really don't like maze. And they brought me some. I tried it but tasted a bit like it was off so me and Lulu gave ours to children lol 

After that the couple cut the cake. There were a few speaches and then we finally ate !! So what was on the menu? Well we had starch meat with a side of beetroot.
Pap (mielie maize),
Potato chips,
Potato salad,
Beans (two types),

It was really good though!! Then they gave out cake but I think they forgot our table  which made me sad I really wanted cake ... but that's ok next time.

After cake it was time for giving out gifts. So the couple and their spiritual mother and father (which I think is the maid of honor and best man) sat down and everyone who had gift took it up to them some singing songs and dancing and some just giving the gift and going back to their seats.

The couple and their wedding part excuse the quality of the photo as i didn't want to invade their privacy.

Well that's it for today hope you enjoyed it.

Live humble, enjoy life and have no regrets.

With love Anschke

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