This year a lot happened to me(Recap of my year). Like I mentioned in that post I had to make a big decision of what I am going to do in 2018.
The beginning of 2017 was where it all started, I did a subject through Akademi at Mosaiek church. It is called New Generation Leadership. It is basically about how to be a leader, different types of leaders, and why does young adults and teens leave church. This opened doors I didn't even know existed (I just did it because I was a leader at a church youth and wanted to know more).
Early in the year there was a woman's conference I went to and as I sat there a random idea popped into my head. I want to go into ministry with teenagers specifically girls, and there the New Generation course I was doing for use at church, unknowingly had more meaning than first thought.
A few weeks after the conference I went to a workshop, where I got prophetic word which just confirmed everything once again. I didn't have any clue what all of it meant. At the stage I felt like a tree, with only leaves no branches or roots. The leaves were all the ideas, but the tree didn't have the branches, which to me is the how, what, where and when and lastly my tree didn't have the roots, the foundation or the knowledge.
A few months later I got to know three guys who were doing TYO (more info here), now since I found out about TYO I never saw myself doing it. Getting to know them and seeing the journey they went on, how they have grown spiritually, I started to wish I could do something like that. Me being this independent I couldn't just leave my job and go into something that required me to ask people for money to help me pay the monthly fees of TYO. I love my job, I don't ask for help, I am independent.
As the time passed the longing for something bigger grew. The more I thought about it the more I started thinking about the things that happened in the beginning of the year, the leaves of my 'tree'. If I do TYO I will grow and then maybe the tree's roots will start to grow and maybe then I will start to figure out the branches too. I can only become stronger in my faith and have a stronger relationship with God. I have nothing to loose.. Well I have a lot to loose, my income, a whole year of my life, what if its not what I expected? I know it's selfish but in that time those were my biggest struggles. Do I risk it and maybe complete my tree??
Even though I made this decision fear still had its way of creeping in, a lot. Things like, finances, the unknown, leaving things behind, the risk of starting something new scared me and sometimes even made me want to pull out and just stay put and keep what is familiar to me. But as soon as fear creeps in something happens just to confirm once again that doing TYO is the right choice. Confirmation on confirmation.
After two big confirmations I knew I just need to go with it and trust in God. I left everything in his hands and since then I felt a calmness over me, slowly but surely my fear started to melt away. Yes, I still don't know how I'm going to be able to pay for every month and yes that scares me but every time I start to stress I just let go and let God. Slowly but surely I'm getting sponsors and I know God will provide the exact amount I need every month.
2018 is a year of new beginnings and I had to say goodbye to a lot of things this year but I know it is going to be good. Sometimes you have to let go to really experience God's Glory.
Here is too an exceptional 2018. May you experience your own new beginning in 2018. May you experience joy and blessings through the year. Don't let fear keep you from your dreams. Take that leap of faith. No matter how big or small you think it may be. In your journey this is your leap and it is valid to where you are right now in your life.
I would love to hear from you, what is your new beginning going to be or what is your leap of faith going to be?:)
Stay humble and live with no regrets.
Xx Anschke